Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weight Loss Surgery

So have I mentioned I started the process to get weight loss surgery? Well I have, In August I met with the doctors for a Lap-Band procedure. Its the least invasive and most reversible, with the least amount of complications. However, many have had success with it.

So I found out insurance covers it, but there are many hoops to jump through. I think I am on hoop number 10 of 1 million. But anyway, there is a cardio appt, psych appt, sleep study, blood work, lung function test, and monthly diet meetings and weigh ins for 6 months. I am on month 3 if they counted that first month. My surgery should be around the first week in February.

Now the lap-band is not a weight loss be all end all like the gastric bypass is. It works slow and only with a very restrictive diet phase. It requires frequent follow-up visits and exercise to make it work.

So all in all its a tool like any other but with a bigger edge for those of us who need an extra helping of willpower.

So with that said, my second/third weight loss appointment is on the 28th. For the week leading up to that appointment, I have to be on a liquid diet, because it will include a liver ultrasound to see if my liver shrinks down to make accessing my stomach during surgery easier.

So its protein shakes and only Medifast meals for a week. With luck I will also drop the 3 pounds that was my goal this month too. ;-)


  1. Good thoughts to you Christine, I'll be praying things go well for your weight loss leading up to the surgery and afterwards. My oldest sister had gastric bypass surgery and has lost over 100 pounds. I'm very proud of her and grateful she is feeling more healthy and strong and I’ll be wishing the same for you!

  2. Oh wow, I had no idea! Very exciting!
    Does sound like a lot of hoops to jump through- I hope the journey goes smooth :)

  3. So its protein shakes and only Medifast meals for a week. With luck I will also drop the 3 pounds that was my goal this month too.

    bariatric surgery
