Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Peds Exam Results

20/22 Exam 1
29/32 Exam 2

91% over all and 49/54 points!

**Side note** I posted this under the comments but:

That wasn't the total number of questions, only the total number of points available for each exam. Very weird grading system. We had all fill in the blank, essay, short answer, and med math or priority questions.

One more theory class and Peds is over until clinicals, practicum,& final.

On to OB theory next week as well as the first day of Med/Surg clinicals.


  1. Good job!! Love the test average! Also slighly jealous of how many questions you have; all of our tests are a minimum of 50. I start my Peds class and rotation in August, and I have to say I cannot wait.

    My Blog:

    1. That wasn't the total number of questions, only the total number of points available for each exam. Very weird grading system. We had all fill in the blank, essay, short answer, and med math or priority questions.
