Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blogs You Read

Ok so I have some free time to kill and need blog's to read. Free time you ask? Well at work I have this new laptop to use, classes do not start and I have ALOT of free time overnight! So, anyone have any ideas that are not already on my blogroll? The problem with Blogger is that there does not seem to be a way to search related nursing blogs. Or is there?


  1. Here is a great resource http://www.northeastcenter.com/links_nursing_blogs.htm

  2. You sound just like me. I love reading blogs about people who are either doing what I'm doing or who are already where I want to be. I LOVE blogs!!!!!

  3. Don't know if you read New Nurse in the Hood but if you don't YOU HAVE TO!! She is FREAKING hilarious & so witty. http://newnurseinthehood.blogspot.com/

  4. If you click on “view my complete profile” you’ll see your Interest list that will show all the interests you put as links. If you click on one of these interests for example Nursing School then you’ll be directed to other blogs of people who put Nursing School as an interest and you can go from there to see other blogs. Hope this helps.

  5. I haven't found a way to search blogger, but I'll steal some of these links if you don't mind!
