Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Let the job hunting begin.,,

I hate this part. Of course I am still employed currently with my agency, but we all know how I felt about them, and with my only reason for staying not being there anymore... well time to move on.

Of course right now I feel like I am probably not going to get much interest based on my experience level. There are a glut of jobs but there are not a glut of jobs that I am qualified for. Which was why I was going to do the OR program... urgh! So frustrated with my career path right now. Feeling like I have no way out. More school? But will it make a difference in this state?

Anyways a million and one resumes sent... maybe I'll get a call back or something... I just don't want to stay with this division of this company anymore. I dread having to even talk to them and dread where I'd get my next set of hours.

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