A peek into the life of me. A Stair stepper NURSE who went from CNA to RN, while being a, WLS patient, Wife, and Mother of 2. Journey with me through the ups and downs of nursing school, the roller-coaster that is marriage and the drama of parenting teens. All while attempting to start a Nursing career, further my education, and lose weight.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Don't Believe the Hype
So at least there is a money back guarantee on this crap! So I decided to try this Healthe Trim stuff people were talking about... anything to give me a little boost to not feel hungry... except, I FEEL HUNGRIER on it!! So I am totally just going to go back to what I was doing and eat like a normal person, just reduce the calories and types of calories... although I was thinking of trying the Hcg diet because of my hormonal issues since the hysterectomy & PCOS and insulin resistance that I have. But who knows... eventually a healthier diet and getting off my butt to exercise will work right?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Ok now I am freaked out! I got my test date... it's in March and not that far away, but towards the middle of the month @ 3 weeks away!
Ok study study study time!!
Hmmmm... good thing things with the hubby are getting better. Communication counseling is in the works. We have decided to incorporate a "resolution of the week" to regain our intimacy... this week is at least a hug a day. We also have a "From Me to We" homework assignment to work on & some family time reconnecting to do.
Soooooo..... I have some hope!
Ok study study study time!!
Hmmmm... good thing things with the hubby are getting better. Communication counseling is in the works. We have decided to incorporate a "resolution of the week" to regain our intimacy... this week is at least a hug a day. We also have a "From Me to We" homework assignment to work on & some family time reconnecting to do.
Soooooo..... I have some hope!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Feeling Good!

Wow exercise does make you feel better! I am slowly starting to come out of my depression despite the crap going on around here.
I am going to have lunch with friends from my "old" job tomorrow... can't wait!
I am finding it really hard to concentrate on school right now. Its just that Chem, Micro & Philosophy are BORING compared to L&D, Med-Surg & Mental Health... its so much busy work essay crap its driving me MAD! But I am going to keep plugging along and get some major essay writing done this weekend!
Still no ATT... Pearson Vue! URGH!!
Ok off to work out # 2 for the day... right now I am on a track that I do cardiomax for 25-50 mins in the AM, then the EA sports early afternoon,( which is what I am about to do), then cardiomax 25 mins again in the PM. I have a day or two that includes circuit and track walking instead... or a 5 lbs ball toss exercise and Biggest Loser Yoga to mix it up. My muscles hurt in weird places. I found that on the EA Sports one I really like the cardio boxing the most! I think it's because I get to punch the crap out of something! So, I think I'll take some classes at the gym after I've worked this program for awhile and of course get a job to pay for it! BTW incase you haven't guessed, Biggest Loser is my "Program" of choice right now...I figure since I don't have much else to do right now... might as well exercise like I was at the Ranch!
Oh and I skinned my knee on the treadmill the other day and it is AWFUL!! I have to modify exercises because I can't bend my need due to the amazing amount of pain, redness and swelling... so word to the wise... make sure your shoe is tight enough to prevent ankle rolling while on the treadmill!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Waiting Waiting Waiting
What the heck I am not good at waiting!! Ok so now the AZBON has posted they have received my Education information... now it just says pending testing... so where the heck is my ATT email, letter, and where the heck does that come from? I hate waiting!
Monday, February 22, 2010
1.) 4 days into challenge and I have lost inches!
2.) Called the school- they are sending out my education information to the BON today! So I should receive my ATT soon!
3.) Hubby and I are working on it still. It hurts we'll see.
2.) Called the school- they are sending out my education information to the BON today! So I should receive my ATT soon!
3.) Hubby and I are working on it still. It hurts we'll see.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Yoga Serious...
So along with with EA Sports 30 day challenge I decided to include Yoga, to help with my back issues and to get more flexible... it can't hurt! But wow is it hard, I picked up Biggest Loser Yoga for weight loss and they really kick your butt... so every other day is Yoga or Cardio to mix with my work out. I feel better about me at least...
So I'll have so much more to update about right?
School, Job Hunting, Marriage status and weight!
Avoidance seems to be the word of the week!
So I'll have so much more to update about right?
School, Job Hunting, Marriage status and weight!
Avoidance seems to be the word of the week!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
30 day challenge

Finally starts tomorrow. I picked up my EA Sports Active yesterday and today is cleaning day. Updated: EA Sports is like a mini personal training program for the Wii.
Its a random 30 days but with everything else that is going on I felt some endorphins from exercise couldn't hurt the psyche. Plus the getting in shape can't hurt the starting over, if that's where things will ultimately lead.
One a side note: I really appreciate the kinds words, thoughts and hugs during this unexpected avalanche that has become my life. ;-)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Just one more thing...
I found out the school did not send my completion of education to the board of nursing... so although they have everything that I was supposed to send them, I can not get my ATT until the school does their part. And I can't get any response to my email or phone call from the program director, (as usual) So I am still kinda stuck in limbo until then... Most of my friends have taken the NCLEX already and of those that have taken it they have ALL passed... I am super excited to get to that point!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Life is like a box of...
Not chocolates that's for sure. So yeah after 10 1/2 years of marriage, 12 1/2 years of being together, cancer, a 3000 mile relocation and a shit ton of debt my marriage and a 20 year history,which has been told in this blog at some point, is pretty much in the crapper. We have decided to separate, as of this AM.
Wow so lots on my plate right now, moved back in with my parents for a bit... yup cuz that just went so great last time.
I have Nclex to study for, 4 classes that are time consuming and a desperate need for a job now and the urge to cry or kill something.
It's Prozac time... or at the very least an SSRI that causes loss of appetite.... Any suggestions?
So apparently nursing school does cause divorces.
Happy V day to me!
Wow so lots on my plate right now, moved back in with my parents for a bit... yup cuz that just went so great last time.
I have Nclex to study for, 4 classes that are time consuming and a desperate need for a job now and the urge to cry or kill something.
It's Prozac time... or at the very least an SSRI that causes loss of appetite.... Any suggestions?
So apparently nursing school does cause divorces.
Happy V day to me!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Application in the mail
Now I am just waiting for my ATT so I can set my test date.
Ok off to start writing the million and one essays that are due for the semester!
Ok off to start writing the million and one essays that are due for the semester!
Monday, February 8, 2010
NCLEX. prepin'
Ok so yesterday's blog vent worked! Woot! Today I checked and my paycheck is here! So I registered for the test with Pearson Vue. Now I just have to go out and get a money order for the Board of Nursing Fee. Then I can send that out too! So as soon as the daughter gets home from school with my car I am heading out to the bank. I am soooo excited now! Finally some forward progress!
Gotta go find some wood to knock on!
Gotta go find some wood to knock on!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Am I stuck in a loop?
WTF... laptop crashed AGAIN!!!Jeep broken AGAIN!!! Need another tire for the car AGAIN!!! No money AGAIN!!! Studying AGAIN!!! LOL ok the last item is a good thing. ;-)
Its like a time warp or something, every year the same old stuff. Right now what is owed to me is close to $10,000. So why on earth am I so broke? I am still waiting for the money for my test. But I should at least get that this week. But what is with this stupid laptop? I have had it 2 years - warranty expired this month, and here it went again, blue screen of death. I have the recovery discs and I did back up most things onto the flash drive this time. But I can't find my flash drive...lol. I had passwords saved and some cool sites I'd found since the last crash and now I have to start form scratch!
Oh well... if by chance I get the money I'm owed, how cool would it be to get it soon and like all at the same time? Of course its owed to me by 5 different entities and lining that all up would be a feat in itself, but since I would like it now... I'll take what I can get however it decided to come in... as long as its soon.
On the school front, I am taking 12 credits. 1 of the credits is a computer class for finding medical information on the web. Comes in handy for a Nurse. Its in a 4 week format and self paced, but I only have 1 more essay and a final project left to complete. My Philosophy class starts tomorrow and I need to write a Deep Thinking Essay by the 13th and the rest is self-paced as well. I of course would like to finish it prior to May... so I'll do as much as I can before my Microbiology and Chemistry classes start next Monday. I am excited for the Chemistry experiments but not so much for the work.
Nclex studying in there somehow too and then job hunting! I have big plans for the year and big hopes... but surviving so far is taking a miracle.
Ok off to family Sunday night. I love having quality time with the kids. Its awesome to see my teenagers getting along and bonding!
Its like a time warp or something, every year the same old stuff. Right now what is owed to me is close to $10,000. So why on earth am I so broke? I am still waiting for the money for my test. But I should at least get that this week. But what is with this stupid laptop? I have had it 2 years - warranty expired this month, and here it went again, blue screen of death. I have the recovery discs and I did back up most things onto the flash drive this time. But I can't find my flash drive...lol. I had passwords saved and some cool sites I'd found since the last crash and now I have to start form scratch!
Oh well... if by chance I get the money I'm owed, how cool would it be to get it soon and like all at the same time? Of course its owed to me by 5 different entities and lining that all up would be a feat in itself, but since I would like it now... I'll take what I can get however it decided to come in... as long as its soon.
On the school front, I am taking 12 credits. 1 of the credits is a computer class for finding medical information on the web. Comes in handy for a Nurse. Its in a 4 week format and self paced, but I only have 1 more essay and a final project left to complete. My Philosophy class starts tomorrow and I need to write a Deep Thinking Essay by the 13th and the rest is self-paced as well. I of course would like to finish it prior to May... so I'll do as much as I can before my Microbiology and Chemistry classes start next Monday. I am excited for the Chemistry experiments but not so much for the work.
Nclex studying in there somehow too and then job hunting! I have big plans for the year and big hopes... but surviving so far is taking a miracle.
Ok off to family Sunday night. I love having quality time with the kids. Its awesome to see my teenagers getting along and bonding!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mom can I borrow the car?
LOL how long was the wait for that one. Ok so the driver's licence experience was a little longer than we had hoped. A few tears, stomach aches, complaining teenage boys, 2 hours at the Motor Vehicle Department, & a night time crash course in 3 point turns into a parking space size area... the 16 year old is legal!
So I picked her up from school yesterday since they had a half day. Of course since it was 30 miles away it made no sense to drop the boy off at home first so he came with us. We waited 2 hours and her test lasted all of 3 minutes. They have a 3 point turn course and she hit a cone! So she failed. Needless to say she practiced alot at home, and when we went back this AM, sans the boy, they let her practice a few times in the course, and bingo bongo she nailed it!
I had taken her on the driving course through the streets on Sunday, mind you that was pure accident, I was letting her drive there so that she would get the feel for the roads there and the weird parking lot, but turns out the few wrong turns we had gone onto trying to find the main road home, was the exact route they took her on for the driving part!
I am very proud of her and freaked out all at the same time!
So I picked her up from school yesterday since they had a half day. Of course since it was 30 miles away it made no sense to drop the boy off at home first so he came with us. We waited 2 hours and her test lasted all of 3 minutes. They have a 3 point turn course and she hit a cone! So she failed. Needless to say she practiced alot at home, and when we went back this AM, sans the boy, they let her practice a few times in the course, and bingo bongo she nailed it!
I had taken her on the driving course through the streets on Sunday, mind you that was pure accident, I was letting her drive there so that she would get the feel for the roads there and the weird parking lot, but turns out the few wrong turns we had gone onto trying to find the main road home, was the exact route they took her on for the driving part!
I am very proud of her and freaked out all at the same time!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Ah... my daughter is taking her driver's test today. I really hope she does well, it would suck to fail it since she's told pretty much everyone that she is going today. The good news is that it only costs $25 and she gets 3 attempts to pass it for that price and that includes her actual licence. (Not 3 in one day of course)
I added her to the insurance on my car and it didn't cost much more than I would have been paying... of course I want to shop around a bit more because I am sure I didn't get as good a deal as I could have. But it is only $64 more a month and that is wayyy less than I was expecting.
She still thinks I can pull the money for a car for her out of some orifice magically, yumm yeah not like fixing the cars we need to PAY the BILLS first makes any sense to her. She's never had to dig out change just to put enough gas in a car to merely get to work before.
Her argument is she needs a more relaiable car than I do. Last time I checked she had the cell phone not me. But...Yes I DO need a newer car that is more reliable than you do! Why? Well, for many reason but mainly because you only need it to go back and forth to school. I need it to do my job. Said job that PAYS for the things you have! No way to work = no money- no house, no eat and no CAR! Duh... your car doesn't work then Mommy drives you! My car doesn't work? LOL I take yours and Mommy still drives you! See the difference?
Of course in 4 months my son gets his permit and can drive, if I buy the car do you think she'll share it? HA! Fat chance.
Yesterday after her mini-meltdown over the car situation I asked my son, "Don't you live in the same house? If you understand that there is no money for ANYTHING right now... what world does she live in?" He laughed and says as we always do...
PS. She spoke with her father last night and he said exactly what I thought he would say!
I added her to the insurance on my car and it didn't cost much more than I would have been paying... of course I want to shop around a bit more because I am sure I didn't get as good a deal as I could have. But it is only $64 more a month and that is wayyy less than I was expecting.
She still thinks I can pull the money for a car for her out of some orifice magically, yumm yeah not like fixing the cars we need to PAY the BILLS first makes any sense to her. She's never had to dig out change just to put enough gas in a car to merely get to work before.
Her argument is she needs a more relaiable car than I do. Last time I checked she had the cell phone not me. But...Yes I DO need a newer car that is more reliable than you do! Why? Well, for many reason but mainly because you only need it to go back and forth to school. I need it to do my job. Said job that PAYS for the things you have! No way to work = no money- no house, no eat and no CAR! Duh... your car doesn't work then Mommy drives you! My car doesn't work? LOL I take yours and Mommy still drives you! See the difference?
Of course in 4 months my son gets his permit and can drive, if I buy the car do you think she'll share it? HA! Fat chance.
Yesterday after her mini-meltdown over the car situation I asked my son, "Don't you live in the same house? If you understand that there is no money for ANYTHING right now... what world does she live in?" He laughed and says as we always do...
PS. She spoke with her father last night and he said exactly what I thought he would say!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Spring Semester
Is about to start. I went down and picked up my books and lab kit today. I started reading Philosophy book and it actually seems like it should be a very interesting class. I am pretty sure I have bitten off a bit more than I can chew with the class load with Micro and Chem at the same time, especially in a school that is notorious for out of control hard science classes.
Soooo... that's about it. Just a crappy 2010 so far but.... I still have hope.
This to shall pass & all that jazz.
Soooo... that's about it. Just a crappy 2010 so far but.... I still have hope.
This to shall pass & all that jazz.
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