Thursday, August 19, 2010

Work drama

So with all the work drama, the air of tension surrounding the whole place. The constant threats of being fired for missing a T or I is starting to wear everyone down into a grumpy bunch of nurses who can't find the time to crack a smile. We all have though started looking for work elsewhere and have a few leads on some homecare that actually has hours. So I am totally going to send my resume for it, at least to touch base and put my name out there. It pays by the visit, so needless to say first thing I need to do is get a car. But if I can get at lest 24 visits a week I will more than make my current salary and then some. The scary part is that I really don't want a car payment but I don't have the time to save up to get another car at the moment that is not going to be a beater. Plus the constant fear that I will somehow get fired for something I am or am not doing correctly in the eyes of the new ADON... well a car payment and an increase in rent are not exactly things I want to think about with no job.

Urgh stress stress stress...I need a Xanex!


  1. Any interest in driving to Mesa? My daughter thinks they might be hiring LPN's at her hospital

  2. well I currently work in Mesa already =) so yeah! hehe

  3. sorry your having such issues..good luck on the job hunt...hope you find something that doesn't treat u so bad

  4. Sorry for the delay in a reply but we were in San Diego for a few days. My daughter goes back to work tonight and will check to see what they have going on for you! Tempe St Lukes is another option for you to check into. She worked there and they hire LPN's or have in the past.
