Saturday, February 21, 2009

Home Sweet Laptop

Yeah my laptop is home! Oh how I missed it's fast Internet connection, it's glorious sound and gasp! a screen I can actually see without the aide of a magnifying glass... thank you Geek Squad for my "brand new" laptop!!

First Week of Clinical and Week 7 OVER!

Ah... so with that being said, I sure as hell am tired! I am not liking this getting up at 4am crap one bit! Clinical schmincal! Blah! Plus it is in the nastiest Nursing Home I have been to in years! The smell and the dirty sticky floors! Egad! I did manage to escape being on shower and poop brief changing duty. We actually got to do Nursing things! I mean if we are forced to be in the LTC setting again I want to learn those things I haven't already been doing or had been doing for 5 years! I want to see the things we are being tested on in theory, or at least watch them. I was on the rehab side to start off with so at least it's more acute care and many were on IV therapy or post surgical patients expected to go home soon.

I sat in on two discharges, really neat to think I will be one one doing that someday. Patient education. They sound so smart.. LOL . We shadowed the Med Nurse and even got to see some wound care of some nasty Stage Four DU's. Chart reviewed getting ready for the dreaded Care plan and of course did the Vitals rounds, not such a big deal there, but it kept me away from the crap! We also got to sit in on report, of course it wasn't really that informative, but it gives you some tools for future use. The nurses by day two were great. We go to clinical on Thursday and Friday every week from 5:40am to 2:15pm until May 8th ish. I so wish it were May already! Next semester really is all the good stuff!

So now you know where I have been... sleeping! LOL

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