Monday, August 10, 2009

Fall Schedule... & stuff

Ok so next week classes begin again. It looks as though I may be VERY busy this Fall. I decided that I needed an "IN" somewhere to boost the prospects on jobs and to well, make my resume stand out above the others so to speak. So I submitted an application for a volunteer position in pt care at one of the local hospitals. I am hoping ER, ICU or PACU/Sugicenter, but where ever in a hospital that is Pt care related would be great. I just hope I get something I can really learn from. Its only 4to 6 or so hours a week so I think I can handle it.

I have decided to also just try and get what I need for Block 3 done and out of the way. I just hope I don't kill myself doing it.HAHA But then again I'll just have to spend less time playing on facebook and stuff. LOL

So what does my schedule look like? *** updated ***

Monday - Volunteer 0900-1300 ( Day Surgery )

Tuesday- Nursing Science and Theory II 12:30- 16:30
This includes Med/Surg I, Pediatrics, & OB

Wed- Microbiology(online for 8 weeks until Oct); then
Chemistry(online for 8 weeks starting in Oct ending end of November)
IV Certification 1800-2100

Thursday- Nursing Science and Theory II 12:30- 16:30
(until clinical starts in September) then perhaps clinical but not sure.

Friday - Lab 0800-1600 ( Until clinical starts in Sept.)
Clinical 14:15 to 22:15 (9/17- 11/06)

Saturday- Study (Except during Peds/OB)then its:
Clincial 0645-19:15 ( 10/24 & 10/31 & 12/12)

Sunday- Study (Except during Peds/OB)then its:
Clinical 0645- 19:15 Peds (12/13)

Last semester we had Pharmacology on Mondays and I did not spend as much time studying as I thought I would have to. So I think if I buckle down and put my efforts into it, I WILL be able to accomplish my goals. Its really not all that much more overall. I've just replaced Pharm with Micro/Chemistry.


  1. You're a busy girl! How much longer until you graduate?

  2. At this rate I should graduate with my ADN in January 2011. But I am testing out for LPN and we have a pinning for that in December of this year. Of course then come January 2011, I will start my BSN year. Sooo ummmm... forever! LOL

  3. You start classes about a month before I do. We don't start till Sept. 25th or something. I wish I knew my schedule but they don't release it until the last minute. Two more quarters to go, whoo hoo!
